Thursday, April 20, 2006

More Random emails that I think are post worthy:

I have decided that to solve my problems with my husband, it would best for me to become an Amazonian Lesbian. I will live in the woods with my fellow sisters and worship Dianna of the Hunt. Any man who comes near us will be used strictly for sex trade that can be bought and sold. Maybe bartered too.
Random emails that I think are post worthy.
To Krisepoo:
"I am a conservative. I support our brother and sisters in arms. I don’t agree with the liberal agenda. I felt the earth shake beneath my feet on 9/11, I was not in Texas. I sat on the train next to crying men and women who would start singing America the Beautiful at the Braddock landing stop on the metro. I stood up when my future husband was attacked in Bahrain and permanently disabled. I take care of my family no matter what, where, when, or how. I am a Texan in my heart and an East Coast dweller by a choice that’s not my own to make, but mine to follow obediently. I am the daughter and a sister to Scorpio Women. I am the Wind in all forms. Soft and delicate, powerful and killing strengths. But, no matter what, till the end of time, I will be here.

"On the Move"
This piece is tenth in a series of images I created while meditating at work. Silly idea? No. I work in a high stress, rapid development software firm in Norfolk, Virginia. I like what I do a lot. Sometimes, I need to unwind while waiting for code. Thank heavens, my boss cares only that the software gets tested. It does. So, I create, too. I live at work. I spend more time with my co-worker Bob then I spend with my Husband. I need to meditate. So do you.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I loved Bu-Bu. Unfortunately, I didn't trust him. He wasn't a player, a cheater, or an otherwise abusive person. I didn't trust him because his mood could turn on a dime. Sometimes, he would get so angry about simple issues that weren't even that complex. It scared me. But, I didnt want to judge/change him. The beauty of Chris is all that he is. And all that he will ever be was not up to me to edit. I never opened up to him past a certain point. He did get under my skin easily because of who he was to me.
I remember speaking with him for hours. We would listen to Massive Attack and other somewhat obscure artists. He had the greatest way of explaining an Artist out of obscurity into a knowledge base that I take with me today.
Most men do not understand what us fast talking chicas have to say most of the time. If he would get lost in my free verse babble, he would say, "Stop, let me think about this. Are you saying _______? and this_____ ? and this_____?" I was amazed that at first he didn't follow, he would stop and redirect himself through Kris logic land. He was a really good friend to me.
What an ass I was to him.
You wanna know the irony? No trust equals no sweet loving. No sweet loving throws a man right into "friend"ville. Putting someone you love into a position he doesn't want to be in, even though he tries to be a friend, would make the Resentment reel its ugly head.
This is how we become dispensable. I knew that he would throw me away one day. This is why I didn't trust him. Moody men make tempermental friends. Tempermental friends are fair weather friends. Fair weather friends don't have unconditional loyalty. So, you know in your heart that you are disposable.
Yeah, I left that relationship for good reasons. Still, I miss the friendship, the long talks, the intelligent intimacy that I will never be able to replace. He is one of a kind. My kind, at that. Its too bad that Irony is such a Bitch.
I will come back
I will come back
For you

Name the person who sings the lyrics above. You'll win a cookie.

The best part of this song is the very ending. When solos weren't being generated, one band did it anyway. The artist broke the rules in the early 90's. He kept on breaking them. Now, my ears are happily listening to a mix of accoustic, electric, drums, drums, and more drums. Throw in some vocals, background, front man, and he is one very talented musician. For such an unassuming person, he is really large spiritually and sensually.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Mullins, Kristin says:
do your best
Mullins, Kristin says:
thats what you can do
Mullins, Kristin says:
and for all time
Mullins, Kristin says:
that is what is expected of you

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Write poetry with your children. Teach yourself a new word every day. Make it the word of the day and use it as many ways as it could be used. Make up new ways to use it. Love words in all languages. My personal favorite is body language. We all have this in common.
Beautiful flowers on a cold day
A cold day is almost every day
My Heart wonders
How does the flora grow in the darkness?
What is left
For a sweet girl to do?
Needing time
And Energy
To do
What Should be done
What could be done
Is another story altogether
With you
For you
I am the warmth
When the wind is cold
And the sun is hiding behind the moon
Giving the returns freely
Asking widely
Is the Love intended for the world?
To grow warm
To give strength?
When All around us
Is the cold
The value of the Hate?