Thursday, February 05, 2004

I call this poem: JESUS AllMighty In heaven

Work work work

Work work work

Work work work

Work work work

Go home


Clean clean clean

Laugh with kid

Laugh with kid

Be firm with the kid

Be firm with the kid

Kiss kid goodnight

Kiss kid goodnight

Crawl into cold east coast bed

Freeze next to husband

Freeze next to husband

Talk to husband

Listen to silence with husband


Sleep with husband

Dream of friends


Dreaming of home

Want to go home

Want to go home

Want to go home

Cry in shower


Get self together

Again, again, and again

Time to start all over…



When does it end?

My Life in Chesapeake, Virginia

After the fall of Austin that we all predicted would happen, I left the small big city and I went to the big, big city, Washington, DC.

What in the name of great googly moogly was I thinking?

Culture comes at a cost. Its why politicians make big bucks and push it all over the place. Me, I was single momma, artist chick. Strange thing is I hated living there, but I had ALOT of time with my art, son, and family. Which is exactly what I did not have enough time to do in Austin.

We Escaped from Alexandria in the summer of 2002. I moved to the beach, Virginia Beach. I met a Navy man and we married in the summer of 2003. He is almost out of the Navy. Can you guess where we are moving to next?

Its been two years since I posted to this site. I have so much new material on my home site of I hope that you visit that site on a regular basis.

Yesterday, I wrote a new poem. My poems have been theatrical performances for me. If I can stand up in my room and recite the words of my soul with passion, pity, or some other emotion, then I feel successful and I move on.