Thursday, April 20, 2006

More Random emails that I think are post worthy:

I have decided that to solve my problems with my husband, it would best for me to become an Amazonian Lesbian. I will live in the woods with my fellow sisters and worship Dianna of the Hunt. Any man who comes near us will be used strictly for sex trade that can be bought and sold. Maybe bartered too.


Kris Moore said...

I would be a lesbian gladly. If I was attracted to the same sex, that is.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl, I just read through the current page you'd take advice from some dope you don't know, on the internet, right?

But here, from someone who's been down the road, and come back, seriously, don't medicate yourself with alcohol. It only defers dealing with your everyday problems, and makes all that shit come due at once. If you think you have a hard time dealing with it as you go along, imagine what it will be like if you defer it all until you quit drinking.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Kristin, I'd be a lesbian if it would get me close to you. That's based on your pretty face and your ability to speak openly about what's going on with you.

So, put me down as a potential middle aged male lesbian who would like to spend an afternoon sitting with you on a blanket somewhere on this planet. I'm about 5000 miles away from you.

Kris Moore said...

anoymous: you will be happy to know that i am doing well with managing my urge to drink. i have been dealing with "all that shit come due at once". it makes for interesting dreams and realistic understanding of my life.