Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I have been very quiet lately. I haven't written, drawen, or taken photos of anything. I have attended a few great shows and only one average one. But, we all have average times, don't we? It is the dead of summer and I am pale, round AND chubby. Something that has been on my mind lately is pain and more pain. My arms, legs, and head hurt often. Though, I am happy. I try to stay on top of the meds, etc. But what is the point? It pain meds right? You are either high or in pain. There has to be a better way to live. The point is to be fit, to be sated.

Does any human feel that way?

Until I do, I will not give up. Not ever. Maybe in the process, I can lose some weight, finish a project, maybe get a tan, and a good guy.

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