Too many options. What sounds best for me and my soul’s journey?
Last night in my dreams, I was with a girl who met a man. We all hung out and played. He showed me his flying kitties. They rubbed up against my face, looking me in the eyes. After the third cat in a line of many did this, I got uncomfortable thinking is she kitty going to bite my face and enjoy her dinner? Then I looked closer at the kitties. They weren’t evil. They had lots of love around them. I picked one up and put her back down. She didn’t like that. I went to the middle of the line and looked at the flying fish kite that landed next to the kitties. “Were they real fish that can actually fly?” The cats rolled their eyes at me and said, no. I felt embarrassed so I let the kitties to themselves, cigars and booze were waiting if only the human would leave. So, I left. I went outside and I looked back up at the sky that they just landed from and I thought about the stars and the clouds. I went inside the house. My friends were sitting at a table. Our host was a rich man who was a lot like the French man in the Matrix. He was svelt and smooth as a tanned baby. He said to me: Kris can I get you something? Anything? I said, no thank you. I am fine. He smiled, I took a drink from my water cup. He and my friend started playing. She was sitting on his lap, kicking her legs into the air one at a time and he was tickling her. I left them alone and went back outside to the sky.
I did not know the French man. I did not know this strange place htat was now our home for the night. We were travelers and every where we went was our home. There was something magical about this place and still it felt like home. I sat in the hammock and I looked out over the ocean and I rested my soul. Dreaming in a dream, I rested. When I woke up, I went inside, back to the table. A server came in and said, this envelope belongs to you all. I opened it and the three of us each had one gift from the French man. He gave me a ticket. It was big, white, with gold type. In my dream, i recognized that I knew what the ticket was for. I even flashed back to the memory of him asking me for gift ideas and I said nothing, your hospitality and magic and presence is what is required. He smiled. I flashed back to another memory. I was sitting by the white table, reading the newspaper. I saw an ad for a concert and I said. Wow, its been a long time since I heard their music. I stood their holding the ticket remembering where I was when I made that statement. I thought of the table, the magazine, I thought that I was by myself. I snapped back from my memory of that moment, when my friend said: wow, he gave me 2,000. dollars! I took the check from her hand and I thought to myself, that’s not a check for 2,000. dollars! The zeroes were written as only it could be written in a dream and viewed in a dream. They moved and were smaller then small. It looked like 200 at first. Then I focused and I could see the tiny extra 2k zero. My second thought was: wow, why couldn’t I get 2k? third thought: what did she do to get 2k? fourth thought: wow, that is pretty kickass. I woke up shortly thereafter. I think that the zeroes made my brain realize that I was dreaming.
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