Wednesday, November 01, 2000

Ohhhh, work…Work is hard. I spend most of my time trying to meet the deadlines, accumulate the information, and deal with people’s needs. Then when it comes down to it, I flop on the verbal delivery. I find it very difficult to communicate. I do my best, then I flop. How can this happen? Better yet, did it really happen? Did I really flop or did it just feel that way?
Either way, the main issue here is dealing with my fears. I knew the materials that we were discussing. I made the reports. It is my information. When it came time to talk, I froze with fear and simply did not want to talk anymore. I was praying for someone to chime in and speak up, in assistance. Why is this?
I have been and always will be the one who assists myself the most. I will be the one who speaks up. I’ve got what it takes and I know that I can pull it off. The issue is my nerves and fears. If I can find a way to handle that, I know that I can thrive.

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